My mental image of Russia has been indelibly shaped by Boris Zvorykin. He's the illustrator of an edition of The Firebird and Other Russian Fairy Tales that my parents bought when I was a kid. I think they actually bought it for my sister, but I've, uh, acquired it. And now here I am in Mother Russia. I'm hoping to come across some clever, talking animals and toys who can get me out of a jam, beautifully patterned fabrics, colorful architecture, and Baba Yaga. I suppose I'll realistically only find two of the above, but I'll still be keeping an eye peeled for a little house on chicken legs.

the grandmother of one of my best friends in elementary school was russian and would buy me a book by a russian author every christmas. the first one i received was this wonderful picture book which i have since lost. i remember it having art similar to what you posted here. good memories.
i hope you're having fun over there!
if you find the house with chicken legs, please post pic. i wanna see :)
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